How to Add Blogger New Featured Post Gadget in Sidebar

Being a Blogger it is important to keep your readers busy by updating your website on frequent basis. The more you post, the more rapidly your posts goes down dead into the archives which makes it difficult for users to find your all published posts. Thankfully, Blogger�s new Featured Post widget makes it easier to showcase any posts that you want your users to see. You can choose any of your previous publish posts and can highlight it anywhere on your blog. Today in this article, we will show you How to Add Blogger New Featured Post Gadget in Sidebar.

Whether you are re-sharing a amazing story you wrote few years back, you want to put maximum attention on a  promotion you are running or you want to revive various posts from the achieve, the Feature Post gadget is a best way to showcase the content that matters the most.

How to add featured Post Gadget in Blogger:

To add Featured Post Tool go to Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget >> and select �Featured Post�.

The tool provides you a plenty of user friendly options to select a specific posts. You can either search the title of the post or you can browse through different labels (categories) to find a post that matters the most.

The gadget also offers a small preview of how the post will appear on your blog. You can choose to hide the image or title of the post or even both.
Once you have selected a post and you thinks it is best fit, press Save button.

Though, Featured posts in blogger is not a new thing for blogger custom template users but this addition to blogger adds a hope that blogger be bringing some good changes to this platform in future. If you like this article, feel free to share it with your friends on Google, Facebook or Twitter.

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