Good Writer? Make Money by Writing Content Online

When it comes to generating an income from your blog, many look to the obvious. Sponsored posts, banner advertising, affiliate marketing and direct product sales. But, if you're a good writer, which most avid bloggers are, you can also make a fair amount of money elsewhere. In this article, we will show you how to make money by writing content online.

I was recently looking for revenue generating opportunities and found an offer run by popular UK web hosting firm  in short, they're paying 120 for tech/web hosting related articles to be posted on their community pages. Obviously to take advantage of such an offer, you'd need to be well versed in technology and software related subjects but this is just one offer in a pool of many fantastic opportunities  should you know how to write good content.

 Lets be honest, the best blogs out there on the Internet are not curated by one sole writer or employee, they're on topic, relevant collections of articles submitted by a wide range of industry expert individuals. Blog owners know this, they know that in order to get the best out of their blog they need to diversify their content sources and if you know where to look, you can find many more offers and opportunities such as the one offered above in virtually any sector you desire.

 Of course finding them can be a bit of a challenge. Whilst a lot of blogs will publicly advertise the requirement of paid writers some will not put it out there publicly. My advice to get started is simple. Pick a subject you're well versed in and build a list of blogs matching that particular sector. This isn't particularly hard to do, just Google the keywords that define the sector and pick out the popular blogs from the search results. From that list, quickly scan through and see how many are looking for paid writers. If its something they're looking for, you'll no doubt find a link in the header or footer requesting such service. If they're not publicly advertising for writers, don't let this stop you, you can still e-mail them and offer your service.

Closing The Deal

As you can imagine, big/popular blogs are often inundated with people wanting to provide guest posts in return for a link back to their website. You ideally want to avoid this as it is often frowned upon by people who don't want to post any old content just to give you a link back to your site. Set your stall out from the outset, tell them you're a writer in the sector and that you'd like to write a piece, paid for by them without any links back to your website or author profile.This right off the bat will get their interest and its something out of the ordinary.

 A good tip to get accepted is to provide:
  1. A sample of your writing (this can be either a link to something you've done or an attached article).
  2. A list of potential subjects (titles) that you can or would be willing to write about. If you have a content piece which you think is fantastic already, you can even submit the very article you'd like them to buy. If its good enough and the blog is popular enough, they will buy it 9 times out of 10. The key is in the content. Good content sells. You can find out what really makes "good content" here

Obviously out of the 100s of potential blogs you find, you only need 1 or 2 to accept your offer in order to make a decent income. You will often find as a result of the above that the blog owners will request regular work from you. Bloggers who started out writing and are now earning 5 figure incomes per month from their blog will not want to waste their time writing article after article for their sites. They want to enjoy the income their past labor now yields and this is a scenario you can most definitely take advantage of providing you find the right website/blog and have the right subject/content to offer them.

A good tip is to look through the blog you're intending to write for and see what other articles they're publishing. Looking the writing style, look at the subject, the format, the length of the article and so on. If you closely match this style you are much more likely to get accepted. Bloggers love people writing in the style their readers have become accustomed to so this is what you should be aiming for.

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