Article of Artificial Intelligence

How to correctly write the article? Probably anyone one way or another connected with the blogspot here or simply the Internet, came to mind a similar question. And many of us are neither writers nor by professional journalists do not often appear in public, and not every day, participate in conferences.
So, begin to come to everyone. And above all, it is important to know where to begin. That is, you must understand the "algorithm" of writing. As one American in the introduction to his speech at the conference,
"You'll be bored! First, I will tell you why and how you will be bored. Then you will be bored, and at the end I will talk about how you have been bored and I did this. ":)
Therefore, any article it for digestibility should consist of an introduction, main body and conclusion. Depending on the type of article, the main part is usually divided into 2-3 semantic unit. It is important not to overdo it with the paragraphs. They should be neither too little nor too much. If all monolithic written text difficult to read such an article.

And every new proposal to create a new paragraph fragmentation effect.

In general, the rule is simple: one subject matter, a problem or a complete thought - one paragraph. To achieve coherence of the text, it is important to use the so-called word-insertion. In this article, they are underlined. It is desirable that the article was written literary language, grammar and spelling correctly, and take into account the target audience, its language and interests.
In addition, there are several types of articles. Here we will look like "an article - a solution" (to the same part of the material fag), review and evaluation article.

In the articles that offer ways to solve the problem, as a rule, it is described by the problem itself, offers and highlights possible ways of its solution, as well as the expected results.
So, in the introduction, in fact, put a description of the problem. In the main part we offer solutions and consider the possible outcomes. (Remember to tie the words!) In conclusion, we present his point of view about the problem.
Articles of this type are made:
- Addressing his speech directly to the reader;
- Use quotes;
- Asking rhetorical questions.
Review articles are usually written in a restrained style, correctly and without emotion weighing all the "pros" and "cons" of the issue or phenomenon.

In the introduction a given topic without expressing our attitude to the subject. The main part of one paragraph place the arguments "for", together with the estimates and examples. Next, we light the second paragraph of the possible disadvantages of the subject, as with the assessments and examples. Each paragraph begins acceptable thematic proposal. Finally, we describe the attitude of our balanced, or else summarize the discussion of arguments "for" and "against."
In the article, we estimated, on the contrary, give a personal assessment on the subject. It is necessary to clearly define our position and reinforce its respective arguments. In the introduction, you want to set the topic and clearly and to express our point of view. The main part of the express idea of ??explaining our attitude to the subject. Each new idea, along with a justification and examples put a separate paragraph.

Also it is necessary to briefly highlight the existing and the opposition point of view and arguments that underpin it. In conclusion, we once again express our initial opinion, formulating it in other words, and bringing new examples.
It recommended that such articles yet to write a balanced, seasoned, not to cause a flurry of negative emotions (what are you ?!) of possible opponents.

And finally (if you're reading this, it means you still not enough boring;), we can conclude that, depending on your theme and article writing tasks in front of you several options (in any case, it is important to keep in mind readers, and that, that all may not agree with your point of view. Therefore, write correctly, clearly and expressing their thoughts. In the name of writing that, in fact, is your theme.
You interesting articles!

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