SEO For Beginners 2016 - How to Rank High In Google?

SEO For Beginners 2016 - How to Rank High In Google?

Hey there, this is Jordan Alex from Prosite tutorials. Where I talk about professional websites in 5 steps. In this video, I am going to talk about 15 tips that you can use to optimize your website so you can improve your results on the search engines. So let's get started!The first one is simply installing a Wordpress plugin called, "Yoast SEO". In this video, I am not going in detail how you can setup this plugin. So if you want to learn more about this just click on the link that you can see on this video so you can watch my previous one where I go really in detail about this plugin.
Now the thing I want to do is simply submit something called, XML sitemap to Google Webmaster. So once you've installed this plugin, you can see that you have a new section appearing on your Wordpress dashboard. You want to go to XML sitemaps.

The first thing, which I already explained previously, is that you want to check this option so you can add a Sitemap to your website. And the only reason why I am going over here is because I want to grab the URL belonging to my sitemap. So once I click on that button, you can see that I am taken to this new page. The reason why you want to submit your sitemap to Google webmasters, one is because this way Google can more easily find your website, especially when it's new it's really important.

       The second thing is Google will be able to more easily crawl your website and see exactly all the pages that you have on your website. So I am just going to copy this extension. I am just going to copy this and now I am going back to Google Webmasters. Actually, nowaday sit's called Search Console. But I am just used to calling Google Webmasters. And actually, you need to verify your account with Google. So you can have an account over here. 

So you want to select your website. I am just going to keep it pro site tutorials. org. Actually, this is just a test website that I am using now, so it's not my official website. You want to go below, and actually, this is the dashboard section as you can see. You want to go below, where you see sitemaps, you want to click on this section. And once again, I already did this prostate tutorials. org, I'm not going to do it again. But you want to click on this button, add test sitemap. And basically, what you want to do is just put this extension over here because this is the URL that belongs to your sitemap.

 Then you just press submit the sitemap and that's all that you need to do for this. So that's the first thing that you want to do so let's go back to our website. Now my second tip is that you want to optimize your front page of your website for the search engines. For you to do that, you go to the titles and meta section. You click on the homepage tab and this allows you to choose the meta title that you want appearing on your website and also the description. Remember this is the information that later on will appear on search engines results from the page.

     When it comes to this there are two ways that I commonly do it. I have one way for smaller websites and a smaller website is between 20 to 30 pages for me. Then I have the way that I do it for a website that I want to create content for several years and I see myself. . . something that I really enjoy doing. So there are two ways of doing the optimization for this page. For a smaller website, I try to focus every single page that I have in my website targeting one or more keywords. Since you really don't have much, many pages to play around with, you really want to take advantage of every single one. What I would do is. . . in my front page, I would try to target a keyword like. . . Something like this, this is not, this is just an example so you can get a better idea. Then you want to add a description. Always, make a description that is enticing, that nearly obligates people to click on the link that they see on the search engine results page. When it comes to the description you can. . . if you want you might want to put a few keywords in the description. It's not that nowadays,

Google gives much influence

        Google gives much influence to that, however, once that description appears on the search engine results from the page, it will appear bold and for that reason, you will captivate people into clicking that link more compared to one, which doesn't have any keywords on the description. So this is for a small website. For a bigger website, a website thatI actually enjoy writing content, I see myself writing for the next few years then I do it a bit different. By this I mean, my homepage I really don't focus on specific keywords. Because since I will write so many posts I can focus most of my posts targeting sever all keywords and what I try to do is make my website seem as natural as possible so in the long-run my website doesn't get penalized by Google for being over-optimized.

     So what I do has I put the name of my website Pro site tutorials then I talk about the topics that I am going to explain on my website. One this gives any of my visitors, who go to my website an idea of what I am going to talk about throughout my website. Also lets Google know that my website is focused on Wordpress, SEO and so on. . . But I have no intentions or, at least, I know that it's really hard for my website to ever rank for just Wordpress because those listings typically have websites where you have companies that huge budgets to promote their content throughout the Internet and it's really hard for me to ever compete with that. But I am pretty certain that in the long-run my website will, at least, rank for Prositetutorials and by this I mean, once people start knowing my website more, they will actually search just for Prostate tutorials so that's great! Then you just put a description. So that's what you do when it comes to optimizing your homepage.
      Now the other thing you want to do is simply, simply go to permalinks. So you go to setting and you click on permalinks. And once you're in permit links, you simply want to go below and you want to select the custom structure and you want to delete all of this over here and just leave %postname%. Just like this if you don't have it. So you select the custom structure and just write this extension over here. The reason why you want to this is later on once you optimize your posts, you always want to put your main keyword on the extension of your URL. So it's really important for you to put this extension over here so you can do that. Now let's go and start optimizing our posts so I am going to posts, all posts and press edit over here. Okay, so now I am going to optimize one of the posts that I have on this website so you can get a better idea of how you can do this. When it comes on-page SEO, you never want to overdo this process.

      By this I mean, you start spamming your keywords a lot throughout your content or doing other similar stuff. You just don't want to do that! Because that may result in your website getting penalized. Good SEO is always trying to keep your content looking as natural as possible. By this I mean, people go to your content they read it and they don't even notice that it is optimized for the search engines. Now I am going to talk about the two most important parts you should always put your main keywords. So let's say that, on this post I am trying to rank for what is search engine optimization. So the first part where you should always place your keyword is on your permalink. So we actually configured this previously and you want to put it over here in the extension your main keyword. As you can see, what is search engine optimization.

      And I actually separated the words with small dashes. So that's the first place, the second one is on your meta title. If you have Yoast installed, you have this SEO box appearing. This allows you to configure how your meta title, which is the title that will, later on, appear on the search engine results from the page and it also allows you to choose the description that you want appearing over here. So you should always place your main keyword in your meta title, "What is search engine optimization". The other thing that also helps you rank your post better on the search engines is your click-through. This is the amount of people that click on the link they see on the search engine results page. The more people that click over there, the more you'll improve the results that you have on the search engines. By this I mean, you should always have a meta title that is really enticing.
      A website that I like to use to actually check this is this one. So institute. com actually, I am going to leave a link to the description from this video. If you want to check this website. Basically, this gives you a ranking of how good is your title. So I am just going to put what is search engine optimization and I actually know this title is not ideal! But you want to select below, the subject that this post is related to. So let's say, education then you just click on submit for analysis. You can see that you get points for good this title is,or how enticing this title is. And you can see that below between 30 to 40 percent in their headlines while the most gifted copywriters. So between 30 to 40 percent is basically, what you want to get in average. And if you get 50 to 75 percent then it's really fantastic.

      So really check this website if you want to improve your titles. The other part that you want to customize is the description that will appear later on, on the search engine results page. And. . . once you click on this section, you can see that you can write the description that you want. When it comes to putting your keyword over here in this section it is not so important nowadays, it's something that Google doesn't give much influence however,it might be something that you want to consider because later on, it will appear bold on the search engine results page and it makes your website look more attractive. So let's say, learn. . . So this last part search engine optimization will appear bold on the search engine results page.

      The other thing that you always want to try to accomplish is to have at least 1000 words on your post. The more that you can write the better. I know that sometimes this is quite impossible because some topics just don't deserve for you to write so much about them. But always try to, at least, have a couple of articles that have this amount of words or more. The other things are images, always try to have at least 3 to 5 images inside of your content. Also depending on the size of your post. This will help you have better results on the search engines but not only, also makes your website, your post look more attractive to people who are actually reading it. And when it comes to images you want to click on edit and you want to alternative text try to insert your keyword over here. For example, what is search engine optimization and actually put over here, dash and sunset image. So you want to put your keyword and then you want to put something else just to not seem that you are trying to spam your keywords everywhere. And you can do the same thing for other images. You might put like the guy on the beach doing search engine optimization. So you try always to put some relevant keywords in a side of your images alt text.

     You might also want to consider putting a video inside of your post. It's something that may help you have better results on the search engines but it also makes your video attractive to anyone goes to your content. Because sometimes people just don't want to read all the content and they prefer to watch your video. And if your video lets's say that, your video has 10 minutes that means that is 10 minutes that person passes on your website watching your video and that helps you decreasing the bounce rate for your website. So the lower is your bounce rate the more you improve your results on Google and that is real, really important!You also want to include your keywords in your header title. In this case, you can see that it doesn't appear over here. But once I do a preview, you can see that I have my main keyword appearing on this section.

      What is search engine optimization and once I go to the coding of my post, you can see that, you can see that below. . . once I find the title. Actually, I already passed it, you can see over here. This is the title that you saw previously, this is a header one. Always try to put your main keyword inside of a header one and also inside of a header two, or a subtitle in your post. You can also put relevant keywords on the subtitles. So you can actually target several keywords inside of the same post. This will increase the amount of traffic that you can possibly receive to that same post. Actually, for me to insert this title on the header one, I just put it over here.

      The other thing that you want to do is always throughout your content, make links to other websites that have higher authority on the Internet. You can see for example over here, for instance, I have this. . . this link. Let's go to my post so you can see more exactly what I did over here. Once someone clicks on this link. You can see that they are taken to Wikipedia, which is a very, very authoritative website. The reason why I do this is good web sites link other good websites and that's how Google see's it! So a good website will always link to another good website. \

     This also helps you have better rankings on Google. So always throughout your content try to make one to another more influential website on the Internet. The other thing that you also want to do is make backlinks, or links inside of your website to other of your posts. So over here, let me see if I have one. I actually did one. I think I did one over here, so you can see that just below I did a backlink to another page on my website. In this case back to my official website, which is my front page of my website. So always try to do links inside of your own content to other pages that you have on your website and also if possible always try to put the keyword that you are targeting on that post. So that actually helps a lot! But you also don't want,

      when it comes to doing links to other posts that you have on your website, you don't want to always focus on the keywords. Always try to do it a bit random, sometimes put click here, read more, and other times put your keyword. Because once again, as I said previously, you always want to keep this looking as natural as possible. The other part that I want to talk and the last one is simply syndicating your content, once you did this all, you optimize your website, you should always syndicate your content throughout social media platforms. I did a good video talking about this, talking about the process that I use.

     Just click on the link that you can see on the screen so you can learn how you can do it. So once you write your content, you optimize your content for the search engines, just syndicate your content. This will help you get some initial visitors to that content, and this is something that will really help you a lot. Especially, nowadays it's really important for you to get Google plus on your content that's something that really helps you boost the rankings that later on that post have on Google and other search engines. Another web side that I really like to use a lot, and I actually forgot to talk about this on, on the other video where I explain how you can syndicate your content. It's called, "Quora" this is a website that is related to questions and answers, similar to Yahoo answers. But this website is just truly insane in the amount of people that are constantly going over here. Actually,

     I already did several, seven answers for this profile that I have related to Prostate tutorials. And you can see that one of my answers, I received eight hundred and fifty-seven views that are real, really a lot! What you can do when you are using Quora is you can answer someone you give a good answer and then just tell someone to, "Hey check here, I have this article where I explain this more in detail, I give some extra secrets in how you can do this and you put a link back to your website, or to one of your videos in Youtube or something like that and that helps you get more views and more people actually checking your content. So check this website, Quora, it's really a fantastic website. Where you can promote some of your content. Okay, so that is all for this video. I hope you enjoyed! And. . . please subscribe so you can receive my weekly video updates, where I talk about Wordpress, about SEO, how you can make money online and much more. . . So stay there, stay tune with Prostate tutorials! And bye!

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