How to add Disqus Comment System on Blogger

Easily Install Disqus comment system on Blogger

Hello guys! After long time i am sharing a blogger tutorial with you. I think you're familiar with Disqus comment! Yes guys, Disqus is one of the best popular commenting system nowadays. In this tutorial i will show you how to add disqus comment on blogger. It may bring another beauty of your blog. Disqus give you various features and these are free. Some friends requested me for this tutorial. In this article, step by step i detailed about Blogger Disqus comment. It has great design and spam filter. I think it is the best spam protection comment system ever. It is also mobile friendly comment system. You can also read Facebook Comment box for Blogger

Day by day Discus Comment increasing their features. Only they give real-time discussion opportunity. Here is some features of Discuss comment system.

  • Threaded Comments.
  • Real-Time Discussion.
  • Spam Control.
  • Social Sign On.
  • Easily Sing up
  • User Analysis and History.
  • Integrated Moderation.
  • Moderation Dashboard.
  • Word Filtering.
  • Mobile Friendly
  • And more... 

How to Install / Add Disqus Comments on Blogger?

Step 1: At first Sign Up to Diqus. You can also sign up with your Social profile (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) or with your email. After that, it will say you select your Name, your email and your password. After providing Your Name, Email and password then click on Sing up Button. Follow below screenshot. (Don't forget to verify your email)

Blogspot blogger discus comment install tutorial

Step 2: You're almost done. Now go to Setting page Admin section and provide your Blog Name, Choose your unique Disqus URL, then select your blog category. After that go to next page by clicking Next button.

Easily install disqus comment on blogger

Step 3: After that, you will be go to install page. From this page you have to need chose your platform Blogger. You can also add this comment system on Wordpress, Tumblr, Squarespace, TypePade, Movabletype, Dupal and Joomla. Whereas this tutorial about blogger, then we select platform Blogger. 

How to add Disqus Comment System on Blogger

Step 4: After select your platform Blogger, then Install instructions page will be appear. Now add Disqus comment widget on your blog by clicking Add MS Design BD to my Blogger site. Here MS Design BD is my Disqus name. Then it will open a new window with the add a gadget menu. Select the blog that you want to add this comment system and click Add Widget. You�ll be redirected to Bloggers Layout page where you�ll see the new gadget (never remove this widget). Now you'r totally done. Refresh your blog and see the result. 
How to add Disqus Comment System on Blogger

If you have a huge number of comment of your blog, then you can import these comment on Disqus. For import your existing Blogger comments into disqus go here.

If you're using old Blogger Template, then you'll need to make this comment system browser compatible see instructions here.

Sometimes this widget may not work for old template. If the widget does not work, see Blogger Installation Help for instructions on how to update your Blogger template to work with the widget.

That's all guys. Hope you'll be helped by this tutorial. If you found any problem about this disqus comment box for blogger, then feel free to leave a reply. I will try to assist you. Don't forget share this with your social media. Thanks... 

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