How to build a successful affiliate program from scratch?
1. A good product - it is the most important, so I will repeat several times that you have to have a good product that carries the real benefits to customers and consistent with the description and characteristics in the sales letter. This is especially true if you want to attract the best partners.
2. Website with high bounce - this is the biggest mistake that most people make when trying to create your own affiliate program. They open up an affiliate program is not yet convinced of the effectiveness of the sales of your site. Wrong! You need a website that sells! If you do not have your own marketing website that provides detailed information about the product and allows the buyer to make a purchase, you will not be able to successfully organize an affiliate program and receive from it the desired effect.
3. The amount of commissions for partners - a very important component for any member of your affiliate program, as it depends on how much money they can earn. To this end, it is important to decide on what scheme you will pay commission - pay-per-action, for sale or per click. The top participants of the affiliate programs have a limited number of places on their websites and electronic mailing lists, so if one affiliate program brings them $ 1.50 per 1000 visitors and your only 25 cents - guess whose affiliate program they choose?
I suggest you give such a commission percentage that you can afford to your partners are interested in promoting your website and products. A high percentage is much easier to do for the digital product than physical. Personally, I give my partners 45% of the sales of its products. Also my two-tier affiliate program. However, unlike network marketing, it does not expand to the second level. On the second level, I pay 5%. For example, a man named Bob, my partner, attracted by its partner link partner John. John is also my partner. If purchased through a John is my product, then Bob will receive 5% from the sale of this product.
Nevertheless, I pay more attention to the commission at the first level, because I want to get my partners were interested in the self-promotion of my products and make more sales, and not only deal with a variety of other partners to obtain khalyavnykh 5%.
4. Tools - I try to give my partners the necessary tools and assistance that they have worked successfully. It is very important. Most affiliate programs offer their partners a few banners, but it is not enough to complete the work.
Remember - people are lazy, so you have to give them everything that they need to work effectively. I created one set, which he called "Affiliate toolkit" for my partners to provide them with all the tools necessary to promote my products and that they did it really well. We can provide our partners with the texts of affiliate links, advertising, sample letters, banners, advertising articles, etc. etc.
Once your site starts to make sales, and your affiliate program will be set up - it comes time to announce it and put the affiliate program on stream.
Announcement of the affiliate program
You have to start with an existing customer base. Simply send an e-mail to their customers announcing the launch of its own affiliate program and you want to see your partner reader, giving him a link where they can register. I had a feeling that my affiliate program will have some success, because customers wrote me an email, telling that if I had an affiliate program, they could join.Next, you can report on their affiliate program in various directories of affiliate programs on the Internet. I announced my new affiliate program is about 20-30 directories dedicated affiliate programs.
In its announcement, you must be sure to highlight the benefits of your affiliate program for partners. Good benefits, for example in the form of higher fees - an important component.
What you want to create through your affiliate program - a community of your product supporters and promoters. You'll be surprised by how many partners talk about their best programs, or that they are promoting today.
When my program has started, I was lucky that some people just mentioned it as one of the best programs. I also started to get approval from people who owned large subscription list e-mail addresses of several thousand people. Dissemination of good affiliate program resembles a snowball that during the descent becomes more and more, thereby constantly proliferating.
But there is another way to the rapid development of the affiliate program.
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The most difficult - is to attract into your affiliate program of professional partners whose earnings on affiliate programs is the main income and the best of them earn more than a hundred and thousand rubles a month. Such top-class partners from all of your list of partners can be only 1%, but even this 1% is able to increase sales of your product several times. Professional partners are the owners of the various e-mail-mailing with tens of thousands of subscribers, or visited sites, or advertising specialists, who possess a huge list of customers.
A good way to attract these people - is to enter into a search engine the topic of your product or keywords related to it, to see a few sites on the first page of the issue and contact the owners of those websites.
Another great way - networking. At a recent seminar on marketing, I was fortunate to meet with popular people I did members of my affiliate program.
I also want to share with you two findings to promote affiliate programs.
Viral e-books
Viral e-books are mainly designed in such a way that people will (in most cases), send them to your friends.
For example, if you sell a video on dog training, you can create an e-book, providing useful information on dog training to dog owners want to transfer this book to your friends. This book then directs interested parties to acquire more information on your site.
To turn this book into affiliate marketing tool that allows partners to distribute its nested inside the affiliate links. So if someone clicks on the link in the email. the book for the purchase of the product, your partner, distributes books, will receive a commission.
Hidden affiliate links
More and more people are faced with the fact that many products have an affiliate commission. So, if the site owner or editor of the newsletter makes affiliate product recommendation, people often do not want to click on the affiliate link. Affiliate link often looks like an ID-number, added to the main site domain (ie is why last year I created a special domain for some of my key partners that distribute my products. For example, I registered a new domain name with the sole purpose to allow the top-end of its partners to use. Next, I set up a dozen different subdomains.
And another important thing - page stub, which we show if someone dials a direct address. She tells them that they must enter the full URL-address. Thus, the partners were able to feel safe, because their affiliate links were already difficult to get around.