Robots.txt, Meta Tag and More Blogspot Advanced SEO Tips [Video Guide]

Blogger advanced meta tags SEO Tips

Hello Bloggers, in this session i will share some important advance SEO Tips for Blogspot blogger. We know, Blogspot is free blogging platform. Any one can make a blog easily with blogspot. But a big number of people do not know how to optimize their blog for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO for blogspot all things are doing here manually. Cause here we can't use any plugins like wordpress.


Robots.txt, Meta Tag for Blogger

When we talk about Blogspot vs. WordPress, we always give WordPress an edge in the terms of SEO. By adding new SEO features in BlogSpot, Google have fixed the SEO difference by a great extent. By changing this SEO features blogger can easily optimize their blog and get better search results. So seo blogspot is good blog in search engines indeed.

Now lets start the tutorial. How to Optimize your blog SEO and How to Enable BlogSpot Advanced SEO settings?

Blogspot new SEO features are:

  • Description meta tag
  • Custom 404-page message 
  • Custom redirects (Redirect 404 pages to any page on your blog). 
  • Custom robots.txt 
  • Custom Robots header tags 
  • No follow tag, open link in new tab
Today we will discuss all of above features. Carefully follow all steps. Then you should learn easily how to use and active these features.

Description Meta Tag:

Blogspot description meta tag is a option where you will explain your blog is what about. This is a 150 character description that help the readers for understand about your blog. By using this description meta tag you may get more visitors from search engines. I highly suggest you, put your main keywords on this description meta tag. See our description meta tag for example:

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Now setup this for you. Go to blogger dashboard > Select your blog > Settings > Search preference

blogger description meta tags

Custom 404-page message 

A 404 page is usually a error pages or a visitor land on a page, which doesn�t existed. This custom 404 message will let understood your visitors that the page is broken or this page still not existed. You create the custom 404 error message using HTML, which you can display on your Blogger 404 pages. Now, it�s time for you to use your creativity and design something awesome.

Go to blogger dashboard > Select your blog > Settings > Search preference > Custom Page Not Found and past below text.

<b>Whoops</b> somethings went wrong. Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

404 blogger error messages

Custom redirects

This is very useful  setting for every blogger. When any visitor comes from  any 3rd party site linked to your site and added a link that doesn�t exist or if you remove a page and want to redirect the traffic to new post or new link. You can use Google Webmaster tool for find all 404 error pages and set the redirection. It might be a little lengthy process, but in some cases it is very useful to tap the missing traffic and convert them into real traffic.

For setup redirects go to blogger dashboard > Select your blog > Settings > Search preference > Custom Redirects

blogger custom redirects

Blogspot Custom robots.txt

Custom Robots.txt is an another important setting of blogger. If you want to index your content on google, then custom robot.txt is must be set. Custom Robot TXT help you for indexing your url on google. By setting this option you should get better result from Search Engines.

Go to blogger dashboard > Select your blog > Settings > Search preference > Custom robots.txt and past below text

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
Sitemap: http:/
Note: change with your blog url.

blogspot custom robots.txt

Blogspot Custom Robots header tags

Another most important setting is blogspot custom robots header tagsRobots meta tag and description is also available on every single post, which makes it more search engine friendly. Specially, I liked the idea of Unavailable_after directive, which will help you to automatically deindex news post which usually expires after some time

No follow tag, open link in new tab

Last but not least, you�ll also find a �rel=nofollow� link attribute in the link tool. Checking this box means that you don�t want this link to be considered when web crawlers are searching for information they�ll use to index your page. 

No follow tag, open link in new tab

For everyone to understand i shared below video tutorial about Robots.txt, Meta Tag and More Blogspot Advanced SEO Tips. It may again helpful for newbie all bloggers.

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