To Write or Not To Write?

 To write or not to write?

In modern conditions of shortages of time Internet users do not have time to catch all of the information coming to them. Over the past 5 years, the Internet publishing formats declined - from the full articles began to move to the blogpost, from LJ Twitter today. E-mails and articles remain unwritten and unread, the book does not open, and internet Like ruled. It is much easier to press a button than to come up and write at least 140 characters of text T Vitters IH. What content in this regard is to write online shopping, and whether at all - we found out with Alexander Grishin, a professional journalist, the author of the online magazine for journalists and copywriters "Editor."

Anna Zyabreva: What text would be better to sell - information with maximum details about the product or entertainment-oriented emotions?

Alexander Grishin: Depends on the product and the audience. Spare parts for the car is probably better to sell on the characteristics. Goods for Slimming will certainly be better to ask, if you sell them with emotional texts and descriptions of the possible, unfortunately, unattainable, the future.
If you do not know what to write, place all the photos. Add customer reviews. No reviews yet - bring the goods home or in the company of friends and try to "sell" it to them. After collect their opinions and the reasons why they have bought this product.

Select two or three options, and publish in their own online store.

Anna Zyabreva: Is it possible to the owner of their own to write a working text for your store, or better to see a professional journalist (another specialist)
I do not use the term "copywriter", because a copywriter myself now considers anyone who even slightly knows how to write in Russian and quality the texts of many of them worse.

Alexander Grishin: I believe that the owner of a small shop (with a turnover of up to one million rubles a month) should he write all the basic texts on the site. It should also set the standard - the style and form - materials. To do this, you need to write one text for one product in each category. On the basis of written materials to develop a template that you can then give to "fill in the letters" a freelance copywriter.

It is important to understand that if you create a template (I call it "kopigidom"), the cost of descriptive text for the online store site can not exceed $ 2 per 1000 characters.

Anna Zyabreva: How, in your opinion, will change the behavior of Internet users in the next year or two? Will they no longer read and write, or less, or even stop?

Alexander Grishin: Modern media are not conducive to the development of creative users. In our modern society established trend data consumption and a sluggish response to it with the help of clicks (likes, "I like it"), photographs and collages.
Now, it seems that users have mostly become less pressing keys. There is a clear distinction between those who write and those who work with the mouse.

Another factor reducing the writing is too much information for the consumer.
To write, you need to explore (a good writer always "laboratory assistant") and explain things and events to yourself and be willing to convey his views to the other. If you look at teenagers and their media environment, they all have a ready explanation given - in the "Comedy Club" and the TV series "Extern", for example. They no longer think for themselves
Anna Zyabreva: If users focus of attention shifted to the side of social networks as marketing will evolve in social networks? He is now in its infancy in Russia. What is the role of journalism in this process?

Alexander Grishin: I do not know how well, but there are groups in "VKontakte", who sell a large enough range of goods. They placed images using the private messaging clarified questions about the availability and delivery of goods.
stores Integration into social networks is slow (in Russian, of course, slower), and I do not think that the format of "online shop in the social network" can replace a traditional online store.
From my own experience, I would say that a page or group on a social network can serve as a great channel for promoting and getting feedback from customers to offline stores and companies providing services in the B2C sector.

Anna Zyabreva: What's better for an online store: write a long text of the original item description or write the minimum required to keep the attention of the user, and then try to entertain and keep the user in the format of social networks - pictures, videos, huskies?

Alexander Grishin: The online store a user comes to meet its current demand. In most cases, it falls to an online store from the search results on interesting request.
For the owner of an online store, it is desirable, even necessary, to the user, "landed" only to landing pages that best fit his request.

The detailed descriptions of well do not work on the item card, and in the section "Articles", if such a partition is present on the site. You can also write quite a long description for the category, with the very item card images work well.
If possible, make sure you add the video - it stimulates consumer confidence well. Do not worry, it is unprofessional - it causes more confidence amateur video, rather than shooting in the studio.

Anna Zabra: How to write a text to be opened and read? Is the title of the announcement and is 80% of the success of the text?

Alexander Grishin: We need to come up with a killer headline - is the only way to draw attention to the article. Following the lead you want to create (an explanatory paragraph), add an image or video.
Today, everything is already accustomed to receiving information in Gmail style: preview header + first letter strings. Do not arouse interest? Go to the basket or, in the best case, the archive and then in the basket. Interest may increase and the clip, signaling that the letter has some attachment (this is interesting!).

Similarly sites works and multimedia content.

The texts on the websites of all occur in a similar way. You need to quickly catch the visitor heading, encourage start reading the article and when it will be ready to stop reading, let him content in a different form of perception: photo, video or audio

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