4 Content Type Which Makes Buying

4 content type, which makes buying 

Today I want to talk about the 4 types of content, which will help you to increase demand and motivate potential buyers to pay for your goods. First of all, consider the sales funnel your online store, and try to figure out how the content can increase sales.
Sales Funnel: motivate customers to buy.

What is a sales funnel? This marketing system. This is how you turn your website visitors from a potential customer in a real buyer, and then in the DC.

What is the purpose of the sales funnel? The challenge is segmenting your customers and then accompanied to make a purchase

    For example, imagine that you decide to make your own oil. To pour oil bottles, you'll need a funnel. Why? Because you do not want to throw and drop.

Sales Funnel your site is arranged roughly in the same way. It leads your customers a certain footpath, and allows you to eliminate any distracting elements and does not allow customers to leave empty-handed.

Your sales funnel - it's how you drive and process Lida. Virtually the entire process is accompanied by content:

  •     To attract customers to your website you need quality content.
  •     In order to convert new visitors into leads, you need content.
  •     To convert disabilities into buyers, you need content!

Content marketing - is the creation and distribution of relevant / valuable content to attract a well-defined target audience. Do this process the universal goal? Perhaps, this goal is to increase customer actions that bring you profits.

Now that we have defined what is a sales funnel and content marketing, let's take a look at four types of content that are ways to motivate your visitor to make a purchase.

1. Video reviews

According to a study resource reelseo.com, about 75% of the surveyed people said that they are more likely to buy something online, which shows movies with a demonstration or explanation of how a particular product looks or is used in real life. In addition, I suggest you the statistics of the same study:

  •     96% of customers believe that the videos allow us to make a more informed decision.
  •     58% of people believe that the brands who shoot video, have more confidence.

If you are using video reviews in your own sales funnel, this allows your potential clients to understand the look of a particular product in real life, as well as learn about the methods of its application. Video motivates people to ensure that you buy a particular product because they already know what it is in reality.

    Shop Online Bike Store lets you watch a video overview of the bike on the product page:

In this era of digital video, technology helps customers make better decisions, and not be afraid to buy a pig in a poke. In 2016, video reviews of products in online stores are becoming more popular.

2. Customer Reviews

Social proof - it is a phenomenon that makes people trust in the actions and words of others, and encourage to do the same. Social proof - it is a type of conformity and harmony with the fact that if someone said so, then it is really so.

The same way of thinking is triggered in the case of customer reviews on your page. Show reviews next to your product or service, and they motivate more people to pay money for them.

Examples of the use of social proof on the site:

The full version of the infographic "How reviews and huskies change online trade" we have published previously.

Comments and reviews from real customers better motivated than you do to persuade potential customers to buy you something. It is known that 61% of consumers read reviews on the Internet before they buy anything online store.

3. Discounts

What happens to your buyers who throw items into the basket, and then close the page? Are they lost forever?

And it would not have let them go.

Research Baymard Institute agency, showed that about 69% of people are left with the basket of goods before they decide to make a purchase. To motivate people to pay you, you need to figure out what to do with abandoned baskets .

On the other hand, you can display a pop-up window that will appear for a certain segment of visitors, and also offer the visitor a discount. Recently, we published a case online store mobile accessories, which told how to increase conversions by 35% - more on this .

Returning to the theme of abandoned baskets - you can, for example, to send a letter to all customers who left abandoned shopping cart, and to offer a discount on any item in the list. This will help you get them back to the site, and it is likely that they will pay immediately all the products that used to be thrown in the trash. But this method requires that the user is already logged into your store.

4. Guarantees

The last type of content that is able to encourage visitors to buy - it is your guarantee. It is this point involves the exchange of information with the terms and conditions of the goods.

This content must be easily accessible. A great example can be seen in the online store Video-shopper, there is an insert with information about safeguards, as well as the signature under the photo of the goods.

You may have encountered The 100% guarantee that sellers are lured, people. Like, the seller will not be satisfied until the client will be fully satisfied. Successful companies are responsible for their products and their services, and so happy to provide guarantees.

Sophisticated content on the page or return policy guarantees your site will allow you to earn credibility in the eyes of potential customers.

To summarize

Today we will discuss 4 types of content, motivating potential customers to make a purchase, and now it's time to use this content. Your goal - to hold visitors throughout the funnel, and turn them into paying regulars.

Think about your own sales funnel and fill the site with useful content. Encourage visitors with the help of video reviews of satisfied customers, discounts, and free return or exchange policy.

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