Banks Don't Hate Bitcoin Because They Funded It � CHAPTER[1.10]

Banks don't hate bitcoin because they funded Bitcoin development

We all know that power in this world reside in the hands of the wealthiest of the society and by that I mean the banking elite who are the biggest tricksters on earth.

Bitcoin is marketed using the deceptive tactic that bitcoin means death to centralized banking system or death to the Rothschild and Rockefeller family. Really?

Imagine that you (Banks) know that your enemy (Bitcoin) is coming towards your home (FED) with a burning torch in his hand to set it on fire, yet you are welcoming (Silently marketing bitcoin) him with open arms. Either you are insane or you already know that, the one holding the torch is in fact on your payroll to just fool the world.

When a monster is bitten on its legs and it does not even reacts, know that the monster was bitten as per its will.

Imagine a currency which is a threat to Bankers is openly promoted on corporate TV channels like Bloomberg by the very same bankers who own it?

Throughout history the banking elite succeeded because they changed the very definition of money and convinced the laymen in believing that economic activity depends �more on psychology than physical attributes�.

This bogus ideology is the biggest tool the elites have used to brainwash the society and have helped them to lay the foundation to a corrupt monetary system.

The elites are using the exact same logic this time to legalize the use of fiat cryptocurrencies this time. Precious metals were replaced by fiat tangible paper currency and this time it will be replaced by fiat intangible electronic currency.

Both of which have zero intrinsic value, are inflationary in nature, are easily corrupted and manipulated because they are backed by nothing but lies.

Want to know how they brainwash public to gradually shift the monetary system to a cashless society? Keep reading!

Former director of the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Sheila Bair who according to Forbes ranking is the world�s second most powerful woman after German chancellor Angela Merkelhas, has now been given the task of mind programming the public towards cryptocurrencies.

Sheila Bair is now a member of blockchain startup Paxos� board of directors.

FDIC Sheila Bair in support of Bitcoin

She openly supported Bitcoin and emphasized that it should not be banned and instead it should be legalized after regulating it. She used the same bogus logics of deception to declare bitcoin as a currency despite clearly knowing its fiat nature.

In an interview with Barrons, Sheila Bair said:

�I don�t think we should ban it [Bitcoin] � the green bills in your pocket don�t have an intrinsic value, either. The value is based on what others think is its value. That�s true of any currency.�

�Let the market figure out what it�s worth. That is what it is doing now.�

Her last line should have been �That�s true of any fiat [bogus] currency� but no she didn�t because this is not what she is hired for. She just gave a green signal to yet another fiat currency and welcomed it to further poison the monetary system.

You will be surprised that Bank of England is already working on a cryptocurrency called �RScoin�.

RSCoin - Royal Scots Coin

Bank of England is the second most oldest bank of the world established in 1694 and is the model on which most modern central banks have been based.

Bank of England is largely responsible for reshaping financial policies globally. They are in short the founders of the corrupt fiat monetary system that we are living in.

On 21st February, 2016, the Bank of England announced that it had partnered with researchers at University College London to create RSCoin, a cryptocurrency designed for central bankers.

RScoin is coded and created by two students from University College London called George Danezis and Sarah Meiklejohn.

The students have even released a whitepaper entitled as �Centrally Banked Cryptocurrencies� where they offered a protocol based on the same blockchain technology offered by Nick Szabo (Satoshi) but which is far superior to that of Bitcoin solving problems of scalability and computational cost.

The abstracts reads like this:

�..We introduce RSCoin, a cryptocurrency framework in which central banks maintain complete control over the monetary supply, but rely on a distributed set of authorities, or mintettes, to prevent double-spending. While monetary policy is centralized, RSCoin still provides strong transparency and auditability guarantees.

We demonstrate, both theoretically and experimentally, the benefits of a modest degree of centralization, such as the elimination of wasteful hashing and a scalable system for avoiding doublespending attacks.�

Bitcoin users, Congratulations for acting as good test dummies!
If it were not you guys, the elites (Bitcoin creators) would have never realized the flaws with Bitcoin and would not be able to fix it in coming optimized versions. Continue singing anthems of freedom while they continue studying your reactions.

What does the letter �R� and �S� stands for in RScoin?

No where in the whitepaper have the developers explained why did they gave this coin this name. Based on my wild guesses the letters �R� and �S� in RSCoin could stand for Royal Scots Coin or Royal Scottish Coin.

According to wikipedia:

The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment), once known as the Royal Regiment of Foot, was the oldest and most senior infantry regiment of the line of the British Army, having been raised in 1633 during the reign of Charles I of Scotland.

The legendary Unicorn of Scotland is often seen onto a range of collectable coins such as the Royal Mint. The mythical Unicorn of Scotland can be seen all round Britain in places from pub signs to passports and city badges to sport.

I am sure the RSCoin stands for Royal Scots Coin or Royal Scottish Coin, a symbol of power, wealth and global control for the British ruling elite.

FEDcoin - Cryptocurrency by Federal Reserve Bank

The story does not end with RSCoin, the second biggest cryptocurrency which is under development and will soon be released is the U.S. Government�s Fedcoin.

Fedcoin is a cryptocurrency funded by the U.S. government and managed by the Federal Reserve Bank, where the complete history of all transactions will be visible only to the Fed authorities via the centralized blockchain.

Its a centralized digital currency powered by a private blockchain, owned and controlled by the Federal Reserve.

The Fedcoin idea was presented by David Andolfatto (yes on a Blogger blog!), Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, at the International Workshop on P2P Financial Systems 2015.

Andolfatto�s blog post confirmed the agenda of a cashless society further when he mentioned that cash does not leave a paper trail but digital currency like Fedcoin and Bitcoin does leave a trail:

�Imagine that the Fed, as the core developer, makes available an open-source Bitcoin-like protocol (suitably modified) called Fedcoin. The key point is this: the Fed is in the unique position to credibly fix the exchange rate between Fedcoin and the USD.

What about consumers and businesses? They will have all the benefits of Bitcoin � low cost, P2P transactions to anyone in the world with the appropriate wallet software and access to the internet.

In short, Fedcoin is essentially just like digital cash. Except in one important respect. Physical cash is still a superior technology for those who demand anonymity. Cash does not leave a paper trail, but Fedcoin (and Bitcoin) do leave digital trails.�

FEDcoin by David Andolfatto

Former FDIC director Sheila Bair on Capitol Hill in Washington June 26, 2013. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Former FDIC director Sheila Bair

The banking elite are in full action now to gradually convince masses about accepting cryptocurrency. What shocked me the most and proves this research transparent is the recent blog article on Yahoo Finance by Sheila Bair (Former FDIC chair that we discussed earlier) in full support of FEDcoin. Sheila says the Fed needs to get serious about its own digital currency and she openly explained how it can be achieved:

In start she acted like all banking elite as if she doesn�t even know who Satoshi Nakamoto (Nick Szabo) is by saying:

Lack of confidence in our banking systems motivated the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto to develop bitcoin. He (she, they?) [like if she doesn�t know Nick Szabo] originally intended it as a widely accepted method of payment that could function completely outside of the banking system.

Go back to chapter#1 and read when I predicted that bitcoin�s current problems of scalibility, volatility and energy consumption are intentionally planted by banking elite so that when the final version of the centralized bank-issued cryptocurrency is introduced, all these current problems of bitcoin will be used as an excuse to mind program people to switch to a more secure cryptocurrency model. Read it yourself what Sheila wrote:

Unfortunately for M. Nakamoto, bitcoin has failed miserably as a method of payment. Its extreme volatility has made it popular as a speculative investment and store of value, but who wants to pay for something in bitcoin when its value could double in a month, or accept it as payment if its value could just as precipitously drop?

Sheila Bair on Yahoo Finance

and then she came straight to her point:

�But what if the Fed or other central bank issued their own digital money? Though it sounds radical, the idea is gaining credibility among an increasing number of mainstream economists and central bankers themselves. Presumably, a central bank-issued digital currency (CBDC) would be as stable as traditional fiat currency, while reducing the risk of financial crises and improving monetary policy tools. �

�However, suppose consumers and businesses could convert their bank deposits into a digital currency that would be issued and backed by the Fed? Let�s call it FedCoin. They would no longer need to worry about bank instability. Since the Fed can print its own money [just imagine how is she manipulating people�s mind], by definition, it can always make good [has Fed ever done good to people?]on its financial obligations. What�s more, the costs and inefficiencies in the current payments system would be greatly reduced. Consumers would no longer need to maintain checking accounts, with their expensive maintenance and overdraft fees, to effectuate payments. At the same time, businesses accepting Fedcoin could avoid the interchange fees charged by banks and their card networks � fees that are particularly burdensome to small firms.�

Sheila Bair on Yahoo Finance

And finally she uses the same emotional card of poor and rich to hypnotize people with her horrible solution to current fiat monetary system by providing the public with yet another bogus solution to keep them enslaved for yet another half century.

�This is a nice deal for the banks, but hasn�t done a whole lot to help the rest of us. The past 10 years are proof positive that current monetary tools are woefully inadequate to stimulate broad-based economic growth. The super rich have gotten a lot richer, while the middle class has struggled.�

Sheila Bair on Yahoo Finance

I leave the rest to you. In a world of thousand dotted lies and trickery, only knowledge helps one to connect the dots and make sense out of it. These are the same


You have seen the plans of the world�s two biggest and most powerful banks for national cryptocurrencies and how they are using Bitcoin as a testing tool, and since both these banks come under the umbrella of the real banking gods (Rothschild and Rockefeller), I hope you might have a clear idea now about what to expect next.

By the time I was writing this article, the bankers who were merely acting to hate bitcoin have actually started embracing it!

According to the details provided, Rothschild Investment Corporation has acquired shares of Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC) for $210,000. Rothschild, the banking elite family has now become a bitcoin stakeholder - Reported by the Bitcoin official website itself. Funny isn't it?

Furthermore the Rockefeller family�s venture-capital arm Venrock (�Venture� plus �Rockefellers�) has recently announced its partnership officially with the cryptocurrency investor group, CoinFund, to fund and sponsor blockchain based startups and cryptocurrency businesses.

The Rockefeller dynasty is one of the richest families with an estimated net worth over $1 trillion USD. I hope its is now crystal clear who funded all this cryptocurrencies drama behind the curtains and now the same actors are coming in public after having successfully hypnotized the world once again.

Bitcoin is just their test dummy to study human behavior to electronic currencies. Their biggest aim is to get people addicted to the use of cryptocurrencies as much as possible.
Their ultimate goal is releasing central banks issued cryptocurrencies backed by nothing but the same lie that backed fiat paper currencies to this date.

Want to see a real-life proof? Carefully read the press statements of MasterCard top officials from 2016 to 2018 in favor of digitization through private blockchain technology.

MasterCard in favor of digitization through private blockchain technology

In 2016, during an interview with Indian news publication the Business Standard, Rob Reeg, MasterCard president for operations and technology, said:

It [Blockchain] is an interesting technology and we are working on it. I personally don�t care about Bitcoin, but I do care about blockchain technology.

In 2017, MasterCard president and CEO Ajay Banga has broadly dismissed all non-regulated cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as �junk�.

In a media interview given to the Economic Times, Ajay said:

If the government creates digital currency, we will find a way to be in the game. We will provide rails for moving currency from customer to merchant. The government mandated digital currencies are interesting. Non-government mandated currency [Bitcoin] is junk.

In 2018, in an interview with the Financial Times, MasterCard Asia-Pacific co-president Ari Sarker openly expressed their willingness to support national digital currencies that are issued and backed by central banks.

�If governments look to create national digital currency we�d be very happy to look at those in a more favorable way�

Did you get the idea now? This is how people are brainwashed gradually by the very same elite.

Bitcoin is nothing but a well planned experiment to make people addicted to electronic currencies so that when the curtains are pulled, they may face no serious agitation.

Rothschild and Rockefeller are the only two families that rule over 50% of banking industry. To prove they are not behind bitcoin, they often give rivalry statements just to increase the public faith more into their bitcoin paid puppets who talk ill of banks. This is a preplanned script played just before they could unveil their final plan..

CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon recently came forward and said:

Bitcoin cryptocurrency is a fraud. It's worse than tulip bulbs. It won't end well. Someone is going to get killed

He also said he would "fire in a second" any JP Morgan employee who is found trading Bitcoin for two basic reasons:

It's against our rules and they are stupid.

Ironically in media they do give such statements but in reality they are more hypocrites than you can think. The same JP Morgan Chase is a public member of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Ethereum is the second most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and it also provides the technology to create new cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications.

If JP Morgan thinks bitcoin is fraud so its CEO must also confess that Ethereum is fraud too because the founder of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin was a programmer involved with Bitcoin and is the co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine. Vitalik was so impressed with Bitcoin, that he went on to create his own OS for cryptocurrencies called 'Ethereum' (though he was backed by Nick Szabo) which was initially crowd funded using Bitcoin. Funny isn't it?

UPDATE: As expected these bankers only act according to a script. The hypocrite banker of JP Morgan now actually supports bitcoin and even his daughter has bought two bitcoins recently.

His initial drama was only to let people believe that Bitcoin is actually a threat to banks so that more and more people could buy bitcoins. This is how banks play with people�s minds. They have always fooled humanity through the art of hypocrisy.

In other words Bitcoin and Ethereum work similar to how Rothschild and Rockefeller banks have been working to fool general public till this time.

Despite knowing how bitcoin has made criminal activities such as child abuse imagery, terrorism, money laundering, tax evasion and drug sale extremely easy on Darknet marketplaces, the intelligence agencies are refrained from talking ill of bitcoin.

In October 2013, the Silk Road marketplace, which used to sell illegal drugs online, was shut down by U.S. law enforcement.

Instead of requesting the Govt to start a campaign to ban bitcoin trading worldwide with the help of its allies, the FBI indirectly supported bitcoin with its statements of love for it.

Astonishingly FBI will keep all the seized bitcoins with them but will never give it back to the rightful owners. This is enough an evidence, how NSA and its sponsors (the Rothschild) are experimenting with Bitcoins to study human reaction.

"Bitcoins are not illegal in and of themselves and have known legitimate uses. However, bitcoins are also known to be used with cybercriminals for money-laundering purposes, given the ease with which they can be used to move money anonymously." Source

FBI Special Agent Christopher Tarbell.

To prove our point more with a solid proof, check out the love message of IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, given in favor of cryptocurrencies to central bankers.

She told bankers to start giving importance to the rising popularity of digital currencies instead of being Luddites. She said that this new digital currencies which are created and exchanged without involving banks or governments could in time be embraced by countries with unstable currencies.

"In many ways, virtual currencies might just give existing currencies and monetary policy a run for their money.

The best response by central bankers is to continue running effective monetary policy, while being open to fresh ideas and new demands, as economies evolve."

She said, digital currencies are unlikely to replace traditional ones, as they are

"too volatile, too risky, too energy intensive and because the underlying technologies are not yet scalable."

� IMF Chief, Christine Lagarde

In order to let people believe that bitcoin is not a product of these banking elites, they are playing the propaganda on both sides:

On Crypto-Community Side:
�Abuse banks and talk bad about fiat currencies and governments. Convince people to start treating bitcoin as a digital asset created by a Jesus like Messiah called Satoshi. Convince people that all this billion dollar investment in digital currencies and the ICOs, is being done by internet keyboard warriors with no support of Rothschild/NSA at all�.
On NSA and Banking side:
�Let them keep on issuing negative statements against central banks and national financial authorities. Let people believe cryptocurrencies can save them from this cruel financial system. Once more and more people have adopted it, we will unveil our true cashless-agenda through power, influence and crypto-gods that we have been breeding�.
Anyone who thinks all this cryptocurrency trade is powered by individuals like you and me with no hidden power, is too fond of watching Marvel Studios movies!

These banking elites have been ruling us for over a century because we are easily fooled emotionally and psychologically. Anyone who comes to us with a solution to our financial problems, we blindly trust them in hope of a better future. History repeats itself. Its just the same corporate scam of PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION.

Thus, one can surely conclude:

BITCOIN = ( Created by NSA�s Nick Szabo ) + ( Funded by Banking Elite )

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