How To Boost Your High Ranking Blog Posts ?

5 Killer Blogger Tips To Boost Your Blog Posts

How To  Boost Your High Ranking Blog Posts ?
How To  Boost Your High Ranking Blog Posts ?

Now Day Blogging Is Most Popular Platform ; So As We Know About Search Engine Optimization, Which Are Not Dependable Only Your Blog Template, Meta Tags, Robot Tag, etc. Need To Give Affordable Tips From You. So Here We Share Top 5 Killer Tips To Boost Your Blog Post. Hope This Post Help You.

Let's Start

Also Read: Best Seo Optimized Meta Tag For Blogger

How To  Boost Your High Ranking Blog Posts ?

?Focus On Your Title

We are also known title is the king. Make your title unique and interesting that anybody can click on it without any hesitate. But Keep in mind * Your Blog Title not too much long.

?Reduce Your Page Loading Time

We are known so many blogger templates which not affect loading time but if you are using custom templates or if you used so many gadgets your loading time may affect your blog. So must read this 'how to speed up blog page loading'

??Additional Tips By : Authors

"Improve Blog Page Loading"

Use Minimum Gadgets Use Minimum Ads (only 3- 4 per page)Don't use Pop up Adsn Use Fast Loading Template Remove Unwanted Javascript

?Use Perfect Labels, Permalinks, Location & Search Description

Use This 4 Step during pulished a post. Correct Label, Permalinks Location and Search Description This are can make your blog post SEO friendly.

?Optimize your Image

While publish your post then before image have to be optimized it. by optimization images help you to getting more views from Google image search.

For optimized your image just upload your image on blog and then click on that image after that click properties and write your heading in "Alt Text" box.

?Transfer your Protocol HTTP to HTTPS (Secure)

This is the last and final tips.

HTTPS is Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure and to remember make your blog higher rank on google.This will boost your blog post, as a viewer/reader By using HTTPS visitors trust on your blog.

By Default HTTPS is feature include on blogger default domain & custom domain users.

Need to enable this features on blogger >> setting >> basic

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Hope this article help you to boost you blog post; If you like this post please don't forget to share ?? post also leave your important feedback in the comments.??

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