Our blog mostly dependable on this On Page Search Engine Optimization.
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It�s good to know what this SEO, & how it helps to grow our website traffic also rank.
Search Engine Optimization For Blogger On Page.
On-page SEO maintained of optimizing content and HTML source code of a page, user-friendly of our blog.Likes: - as page titles, internal linking, meta tags & descriptions etc.
?Title tags:
Title tag on your page is the single most important tag on your website, so don't overlook it. 65 is the limit for title tags so make sure that all of are 65 and under.
?Meta tags:
Don't forget to include "meta tags" for your blogger. Your meta tag will show up on the SERP. Keep your meta description under 150-166 Characters.
?Heading tags:
This tags help search engines and viewers get a quick look at what your page is about. Your pages should all have an h1 tag and only one h1 tag around the title of the page. H1 tags are reserved for your main blog title. So, use h2 and h3 tags for subheadings. Simply put <h2> </h2> and <h3> </h3> tags around your subtitles.
?Alt Text in Your Images:
Read also about Alt Text in Your Images.
?Optimize Your Content Around One Keyword Per Page:
When you write your content, choose one keyword per page of content. For each page you optimize, be sure that the keyword is right in the URL.
?Fixed Your Content:
If you have grammatical or spelling errors or any errors on your website, you lose your creditability with your visitors. So before posting you must checked your writing content.
?Link Your Website to Google Analytics:
Google Analytics help you monitor and analyze your web contents and visitors. Next Post We Showing how to link website to google analytic.
?Link Your Website Web-master Search Console:
If you don't have this, it will also hurt your in the search engine result pages (SERPs).This Tools to check for duplicate content, missing titles, 404 and 500 redirect errors, warnings and other technical errors .
?Make your site mobile-friendly:
You need to be important that your blog design have a responsive design.
?Page speed:
This is the another important thing about On Page SEO that you blog have fast loading templates which help loading your blog page faster. Loading times kill your blog user experiences.