Why You Used or Not Used Ad Blocker On Your Browser
Advantages & Disadvantages Of Ad Blocker On Your Browser |
So we are here giving helpful reliable tips you , "why you used ad blocker or advantage of ad blocker".
?Advantage of Ad-Blocker:
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?? Enhanced Browsing Experiences:
This is the main benefit; No advertising popup; unwanted ads so mean clean website.
??Browsing Load Speed Faster:
If you used ad-blocker then text or image or original content came with load faster.
??Disable Tracking You From Ad Server:
??Makes Your Browser Safer:
Please Note***
Ad blockers don't block all ads but many companies pay good money to ad blocking developers in order to have their ads "whitelisted".
?Disadvantages of ad blocker :
?Missing Important Features:
If you are using ad blocker then you may be chances to missed important content. Either may be chances to visit any sites.
?Sell Your Browsing Data & History To Third Parties:
Keep in mind ad blockers stop ad servers from tracking what you do online? other-side ad blocker sending or selling the data to third parties.
?Its May Be Satan, Cheat and Unwitting.
That's It ; Happy Surfing
Hope you are understand about advantages & disadvantages of ad-blocker. if you find this article helpful then don't forget to share your feedback on below comment box.